Friday, July 18, 2008

A Steph by any other name ....

I figured this might be an easier one to manage, provided that I can use my former {sniff} blog for most of the answers .....

1a. So how did you come up with your blogging name?
Well, coming up with my blogging name required a good deal of work and effort, and at the same time, a good bit of spontaneity. You see, as of approximately thirty-five years ago exactly, the blogging names in the works were Cecilia and some other currently-escaping-the-brain possibility. However, as of thirty-five-years-minus-three-months-and-eleven-days {give or take .... it's summer, my brain can't handle math!}, an unknown was pulled in from the minor leagues, and thus the Stephanie was created.

However, in the previous now-swimming-with-the-fishies blog {can I say "sniff" again?}, I did often claim for myself the title of "The Reluctant Nun" that was bestowed upon me by ellipsis. Who knows, though ..... as I begin to re-emerge into the BlogO'World, perhaps I'll create something new. But, as with trail names, I feel that it's something that will need to evolve and develop, rather than a quick grab-bag choice.

1b. And/or the name of your blog?
Old blog: Narrow at the Outset, at Rationale came in the first post, which I'll copy/paste at the end of this.
New blog: An Unseen Hope. Some commented early on that it actually looks like "A Nun Seein' Hope", which I suppose could also be appropriate, but I'm not going to look at that piece right now. It actually comes from Romans 8:18-27, with the naming verse up there under the title. The whole idea of hoping in that which is not seen has really resonated with me over the last couple years, and especially considering all the challenges of this new-life-in-transition .... well, it seemed kind of appropriate. So, I tried all sorts of variations until Blogspot told me that I had its permission to use "anunseenhope" .... and here it is.

2. Are there any code names or secret identities in your blog? Any stories there?
This one's really too new for any of that .... The Roommate should be pretty self-explanatory, and ACertainLittlePumpkinhead actually isn't code either -- the real name is Sophia Pumpkinhead. Madame Sophia Pumpkinhead when I'm feeling official. And no, she's not orange. {Great story .... kids first semester knew all about her, because she was a not-even-five-week-old kitten found under the assistant principal's car right before school started. Second semester I used her in a PowerPoint early on -- new kids would ask the name and then get confused. In one class, though, someone asked "Is that Whiskerface?"; a classmate turned with an expression of utter "How stupid can you be?" and said, "No, it's Sophia Pumpkinhead." As if SP was a more normal, explainable, and understandable title. I DID like the idea of Whiskerface, though....}

Main one I can think of from the old blog was The Dude of Bigness, courtesy of eb, in reference to The Man Upstairs.

3. What are some blog titles that you just love? For their cleverness, drama, or sheer, crazy fun?
Well, I would have to say right off the bat: Narrow at the Outset and An Unseen Hope. Other than that, though, I've so woefully neglected the BlogWorld out of guilt for my own absence {I don't feel it right to read other people's blogs if I'm not allowing them to return the favor} that I feel I must abstain. At least at the moment, anyway. Perhaps I'll come back to this later ...

4. What three blogs are you devoted to? Other than the RevGalBlogPals blog, of course!
Ummmm, well ...... see number 3. Lots I was devoted to, lots of connections that I kinda miss at times, but don't feel I can count them as "devoted" {devotees? devoters?} if it's only been in my head.

5. Who introduced you to the world of blogging and why?
I think the one that gave me the biggest push was SusanRose. Seeing her write her discernment journey made me wish there had been something like that when I was discerning {more in the if-I-ever-finish Story of a Vocation}. While I wasn't in those most-initial processes at that point, I could at least give a window into the world of a new kid in religious life. Plus, it helped promote my community, share what life in our modern-day monastery looked like, and helped dispel whatever nun-myths might be out there. All things in which I hope I was successful.

Bonus question: Have you ever met any of your blogging friends? Where are some of the places you've met these fun folks?
Natty ~ Came to the monastery for a Benedictine Life Weekend back in October 2005.
SisterChrister ~ Met up for breakfast when visiting my brother in July 2007.
LoremIpsum ~ Went to dinner and a movie in February 2006 and then a few other meet-ups. Yet another woeful absence, this one all-the-sadder because she's right here in town. {I'll rectify it, I promise! I'm just not sure I have your info anymore.} By the same token, though, I only know her by her BlogName. I mean, I know her real name; I just can't associate her real name with her. She'll always be Lorem in my mind.
Sophie'sDaughter ~ December 2007, March and June 2008, at various RSCJ discernment things.

Plus, there are other folks I know who blog, but I knew them before the blogs started, so I'm not sure if that really counts. And I'm really hoping I didn't forget anyone, but am hoping that you'll (a)remind me and (b)forgive me.


Sally said...

great post, I love the dude of bigness! Glad you've eased back into blogging.

lorem ipsum said...


I'm still here--I'll send my info along to your Gmail account shortly.


Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Awwww, no guilt! (((HUGS))))

Unknown said...

Always glad to see you blogging!

the tentmaker said...

It's good read your voice again, and it's good to have you back even if it remains infrequent.

the tentmaker